CIVITAS / São Paulo

CIVITAS / São Paulo
This richly illustrated monograph explores the city-building aspirations of the Brazilian modern masters through their buildings in São Paulo. Works by Vilanova Artigas, Lina Bo Bardi, Salvador Candia, Rino Levi, Oscar Niemeyer and Paulo Mendes da Rocha were designed in response to the chaotic growth of one of the world’s largest metropolises.
CIVITAS brings together for the first time a unique collection of nineteen buildings, proposing a fresh take on them through new photographs especially taken for the book and graphic elements re-drawn by the author. Some of the works are today references in the urban public space, underlining the contemporary relevance of this architecture.
Hardcover, 30 x 22 cm, 354 pages
19 works, 299 photos plates
104 technical drawings
CIVITAS apresenta o desejo de construir cidade manifestado pelos mestres modernos brasileiros através dos seus edifícios em São Paulo. Obras de Vilanova Artigas, Lina Bo Bardi, Salvador Candia, Rino Levi, Oscar Niemeyer e Paulo Mendes da Rocha são desenhadas como resposta ao caótico crescimento de uma das maiores metrópoles do mundo.
Este livro reúne pela primeira vez um conjunto singular de edifícios, propondo uma leitura actual através de imagens inéditas e peças gráficas redesenhadas pelo autor. Parte destas obras são hoje os espaços de referência da cidade sublinhando a relevância contemporânea desta arquitectura.
Capa dura, 30 x 22 cm, 354 páginas
19 obras, 299 imagens
104 desenhos técnicos
“....You have to make yourself say: I know! It is easy to say no, that some other guy knows. So, what we are talking about here is the possibility of trying to show something whilst working within that confused and erratic context. It is about a building, on the small scale, endeavouring as much as possible to be a city. And that is what one can call architecture. ..Você tem de se obrigar a dizer: Eu sei! É fácil você dizer não, que quem sabe é o outro lá. Aquilo de que se fala aqui é da possibilidade de, trabalhando dentro desse contexto confuso, errático, se tentar mostrar alguma coisa. Trata-se de, no edifício, na sua pequena escala, tentar ser cidade o mais possível. É a isso a que se pode chamar arquitetura. ....”
“....This building embodies the worthy ideals of the day: I conceived it as the spatialisation of the ideal of democracy, in dignified spaces, without entrance doorways, as I wanted it to be a temple where all activities are welcome. ..Este prédio acrisola os santos ideais de então: pensei-o como a espacialização da democracia, em espaços dignos, sem portas de entrada, porque o queria como um templo, onde todas as atividades são lícitas. ....”
Book concept, images and drawings by João Carmo Simões
Edition by Daniela Sá
Introduction by Paulo Mendes da RochaHardcover, 30 x 22 cm, 354 pages
19 works, 299 photos plates
104 technical drawings
ISBN 978 989 99485 3 2
Bilingual edition EN-PT..Autoria, Imagens e Desenhos de João Carmo Simões
Edição de Daniela Sá
Introdução de Paulo Mendes da RochaCapa dura, 30 x 22 cm, 354 páginas
19 obras, 299 imagens
104 desenhos técnicosISBN 978 989 99485 3 2
Edição bilingue EN-PT.... -
The Author
João Carmo Simões João grew up in Cascais and after completing his master's degree in architecture at Da/UAL, Lisbon, he receives the National Secil Universities Award 2010. Believing that the quality of the environment that surrounds us directly affects the quality of our lives, and driven by his passion for innovation and excellence, in 2012, he founded his studio in Lisbon. Among his projects are Villa Sombra in Alentejo, Turismo Rural Quinta de Lazarim in Douro, Villa Plié in Cascais, Janela para o Céu in the renowed chapel Capela do Rato in Lisbon, Casa Azul in Costa Nova, Apartamento Corpo Santo in Baixa Pombalina, Apartamento Lima in Cascais, Casa Photomaton in Oeiras and the project of requalification and expansion of the school complex of Colégio Infante D. Henrique, in Funchal. His works were highlighted in Monocle magazine issue, in the book Portuguese Modern Apartments, and on design websites. He is regularly invited to present his work at several universities.
Pursuing his thirst for knowledge, he worked with renowned architects such as Álvaro Siza, in Porto, or Paulo Mendes da Rocha, in São Paulo, editing books about their works and thought. His publications include: Civitas São Paulo, a journey through an idea of architecture in the city of São Paulo, through key works by architects such as Vilanova Artigas, Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Lina Bo Bardi or Oscar Niemeyer, distinguished for shortlist of the DAM - Deutsches ArchitekturMuseum Architectural Book Award for best architecture book of 2019; Designed Future / Paulo Mendes da Rocha the most complete anthology of texts by this architect; or the English edition Imagining The Evident / Álvaro Siza, distinguished as one of the best books of 2022 by Domus magazine . He is founder of the publisher Monade books with a global reach, promoting excellence in architecture thinking and research. He was a member of the Portuguese Council of Architects, National Admissions Council and currently of the Board of General Assembly. João is skipper, enjoys sailing and photography. -
Daniela Sá, João Carmo Simões
“E, ainda assim, se move!” Esta é a declaração da força vital do pensamento, do desejo que mora numa ideia que já é pensada, mas que, entretanto, ainda não a vemos. Esse desejo é o que chamamos de Projecto, essa coisa que é toda para a frente, toda futuro.