The Order of Landscape / João Gomes da Silva

The Order of Landscape / João Gomes da Silva
The Order of Landscape presents a powerful insight into the work of a forefront figure in contemporary landscape architecture, João Gomes da Silva. Through an extensive duotone photo essay by João Carmo Simões, a collection of texts and a set of plans, the book unveils this seminal body of work.
Beginning in 1987, with Álvaro Siza in the Malagueira plan, Gomes da Silva’s career has decisively marked Portuguese contemporary architecture. From Serralves Museum Garden to Madeira’s Seafront Promenade and Lisbon's riverfront, his particular conception of new grounds proposes a formality without formalisms and a naturalness without naturalisms.
32 x 24 cm, 304 pages
156 photos plates, 24 technical drawings
10 selected writings
Text in English
Special edition available here
The Order of Landscape presents a powerful insight into the work of a forefront figure in contemporary landscape architecture, João Gomes da Silva. Through an extensive duotone photo essay by João Carmo Simões, a collection of texts and a set of plans, the book unveils this seminal body of work.
Beginning in 1987, with Álvaro Siza in the Malagueira plan, Gomes da Silva’s career has decisively marked Portuguese contemporary architecture. From Serralves Museum Garden to Madeira’s Seafront Promenade and Lisbon's riverfront, his particular conception of new grounds proposes a formality without formalisms and a naturalness without naturalisms.
32 x 24 cm, 304 páginas
156 imagens, 24 desenhos técnicos
10 escritos seleccionados
Texto em Inglês
Edição Especial disponível aqui
“A splendid book, we think!”
“The Order of Landscape fills a major gap in a crucial sector of our discipline.”
“....João Gomes da Silva’s book is the irrefutable proof that it is this qualification of our landscape, our architecture and our territory that deserves to be a priority. ..O livro de João Gomes da Silva é prova irrefutável que é esta qualificação da nossa paisagem, da nossa arquitectura e do nosso território que merece ser prioridade. ....”
“There is a specific order in landscape, which we recognise as form and space, and to which we attribute an interpretation and transformation of the pre-existing natural order. The landscape thus becomes a natural artefact, and order therein becomes the order of landscape.”
“Thickness is both dimensional and metaphorical, when one considers the act of removing layers to achieve hidden spaces and elements, by means of archaeology, thus becoming matter for a new form, space and time. The thickness of space is also the thickness of time, and landscape architecture is a lengthy phenomenon: how many different time periods can a place represent?
Our memory, collective and individual, is a spatial and sentimental experience, and we may say that that is a vital condition for the existence of Man.”
By João Gomes da Silva
Photography by João Carmo Simões
Edition by Daniela Sá and João Carmo Simões
Postscript by Cláudia Taborda32 x 24 cm, 304 pages
Paper dust jacket
156 photos plates
24 technical drawings
10 selected texts
ISBN 978 989 53705 0 4
English Edition..Autoria de João Gomes da Silva
Ensaio fotográfico de João Carmo Simões
Edição de Daniela Sá e João Carmo Simões
Posfácio de Cláudia Taborda
32 x 24 cm, 304 páginas
Com sobrecapa em papel
156 imagens
24 desenhos técnicos
10 textosISBN 978 989 53705 0 4
Edição em Inglês.... -
João Gomes da Silva
(b. 1962) Registered landscape architect, graduated in Universidade de Évora in 1987, and founder and director of Global arquitectura paisagista Lda. He is an Associate Professor in the Architecture Department of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa. since 2001, and an Adjunct Professor at the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, since 2010. He has taught and lectured in Portugal and internationally, including University of Évora, University of Coimbra, ENSP Versailles, Harvard GSD, Culturgest, Cornell University, University of Cagliari, Knowlton School of Architecture, ETSAB Barcelona, UPENN Philadelphia, and TU Berlin. His design work has been recognised through the award of the Schinkel Prize (1991, with Inês Norton and João Mateus), the Red Dot Design Award, the SEGD Award, the D&AD-in Book Award, the European Design Award (2010, with Atelier P06), and the Piranesi Award (2010, with João Luís Carrilho da Graça). He has exhibited work at the Venice Biennale, the Lisbon Architecture Triennale, and the Cultural Centre of Belém in Lisbon.Since 1987, he has dedicated his professional life, individually or in collaboration, to the critical production of landscape.
João Carmo Simões
Architect, editor and photographer. Master’s degree in Architecture from Da/UAL, Lisbon, won the Secil Universities Award 2010. He runs his own architectural practice in Lisbon, with a range of projects on different scales. He is founder of the publisher Monade books which has a global reach, promoting excellence in architectural thinking and research. His publications include: as author, “CIVITAS / São Paulo”, a journey through key works by architects such as Vilanova Artigas, Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Lina Bo Bardi or Oscar Niemeyer, which was distinguished as shortlisted for the DAM (Deutsches Architekturmuseum) Book Award for best architecture book of 2019; as editor: “Designed Future / Paulo Mendes da Rocha”, the anthology of texts by that architect; and the seminal book “Imagining the Evident” by Álvaro Siza.Daniela Sá
Architect and researcher. She holds a PhD in Theory and History of Architecture (FAUP, 2019), and has lectured History of Modern Architecture at FAUP, Porto. She is a founder and Director of Monade, promoting excellence in architectural thinking and research. She has conceived and edited books on the work of architects such as Paulo Mendes da Rocha and Álvaro Siza and promoted talks on books with authors such as Álvaro Siza, Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Kenneth Frampton, Barry Bergdoll, Francesco dal Co and Jonathan Sergison at institutions such as Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio and Columbia University. -
monade x Casabella, Milan
LECTURE by João Gomes
with book signing
See moremonade x Serralves, Porto
A CONVERSATION AROUND THE BOOK with Álvaro Siza, Aurora Carapinha, Daniela Sá, João Carmo Simões, João Gomes da Silva, Paulo David, Philippe Vergne.
See moremonade x maat / Fundação EDP, Lisboa
A CONVERSATION AROUND THE BOOK with João Gomes da Silva, Aurora Carapinha, Daniela Sá, João Carmo Simões, João Luís Carrilho da Graça, João Pinharanda, Sérgio Mah.
See more..monade x Casabella, Milan
LECTURE by João Gomes with book signing
See moremonade x Serralves, Porto
LANÇAMENTO E CONVERSA EM TORNO DO LIVRO com Álvaro Siza, Aurora Carapinha, Daniela Sá, João Carmo Simões, João Gomes da Silva, Paulo David, Philippe Vergne.
Ver maismonade x maat / Fundação EDP, Lisboa
LANÇAMENTO E CONVERSA EM TORNO DO LIVRO com João Gomes da Silva, Aurora Carapinha, Daniela Sá, João Carmo Simões, João Luís Carrilho da Graça, João Pinharanda e Sérgio Mah
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